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How much does it cost to install a porcelain stoneware floor in Spain?

Jan. 2, 2025

Installing porcelain stoneware flooring is a popular choice due to its durability and aesthetics. This article looks at the costs associated with installing it and the factors that can influence the final price. Different types of porcelain stoneware will be explored, as well as average installation prices. Advice will also be offered on choosing materials and professionals, ensuring proper implementation.

What is porcelain stoneware?

Porcelain stoneware is a highly valued ceramic material in the field of construction and interior design. It is distinguished by its great resistance and versatility, making it a popular choice for flooring in different spaces in the home.

Characteristics of porcelain stoneware

Porcelain stoneware has several characteristics that make it attractive for use in flooring. Some of the most notable features include:

Durability: Thanks to its high-temperature manufacturing, porcelain stoneware is extremely durable and wear-resistant, making it ideal for high-traffic areas.

Low porosity: This material has very low porosity, making it impervious to spills and easy to clean. This is especially beneficial in areas with high humidity, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Variety of finishes: Porcelain stoneware floors are available in a wide range of finishes, and can imitate materials such as wood, marble or stone. This aesthetic versatility allows it to be adapted to different decorative styles.

Easy maintenance: Thanks to its non-porous surface, porcelain stoneware is easy to clean and maintain, making it a practical option for everyday use.

The price of installing porcelain stoneware in Spain can vary depending on the province. The budgets that are seen online are very varied and the range is very high, so the information given by most blogs is not always entirely useful.

Here at Azulejos Solá we want to give a price as close as possible so that you can calculate for yourself how much it will cost to change the floor of your house in 2025

Factors that influence the installation price

The installation of porcelain stoneware can have significant variations in its cost due to various factors. These elements determine both the price of the material and the work required for its installation.

Type of material and its impact on cost

The type of porcelain stoneware selected directly influences the cost of installation. There are different ranges and styles, including:

  • Small porcelain stoneware: Its price is more affordable, making it an economical option.
  • Imitation wood porcelain stoneware: This type can have a higher average cost due to its more elaborate aesthetics. Most of these tiles will be placed interlocked together. This makes the installation task difficult and can make the process more expensive compared to other, more basic porcelain tiles.
  • Rectified porcelain stoneware: Since it does not have visible joints, it usually has a higher cost, but offers a more uniform finish.
  • Large porcelain stoneware: The dimensions of some tiles are already spectacular. Their volume and weight make them difficult to handle. Not only on the construction site itself, but sometimes it is difficult to transport them and to fit them through doors and hallways in the home. It should also be noted that the creation of XL porcelain tiles has led to the specialisation of installers, with new installation techniques and tools. In this sense, there are already pieces up to 3 metres in length.

Installation complexity and additional costs

The inherent difficulty of the installation work can increase the associated costs. For example:

  • Laying stoneware in specific patterns, such as herringbone or diagonal, requires special skills and more time.
  • Work involving the use of specific adhesives or levelling techniques may add additional costs.
  • If the existing floor needs to be removed or if it is to be laid on top.

Price of changing the floor of the house in 2024

Porcelain stoneware

The average budget in Spain to install a porcelain floor is €30 to €35. As we have already seen so far, this price depends on the region, the professional who is going to install it and many others that have to do with the chosen material and the condition of the house. However, based on our experience in the sale and installation of porcelain tiles, we think that it is a price that is quite close to reality.

This price should already include the recommended material for installation. Unless the client requires or demands a specific product.

Laminate floors

Installing laminate flooring in 2025 is much cheaper than laying ceramic flooring. On average, laying Quick Step laminate flooring can cost €15/m2. This price could include the prior measurement of the home and the installation of skirting boards.

Outside of this estimated price there would be things like:

  • Moving furniture
  • Removing ceramic skirting boards
  • Sanding doors

Is transport included in the labour?

Usually the installer is not responsible for transporting the material and it is the store where you buy the tiles that must take it to the site. However, construction workers are usually responsible for bringing construction materials into the home or bringing up boxes in cases where the home is high up.

In summary:

  • If the builder has to pick up the material from a warehouse or shop, they will charge an extra fee compared to the installation price.
  • If the shop where you buy the material has its own installers, they should not charge you any extra for transport.
  • If the shop that supplies the goods leaves it at the construction site, it is the builders who must bring it into the home at no additional cost.

What tools and adhesives are needed to install the floor?

If you have bought a porcelain tile of relatively normal dimensions, you will need these additional materials.

  • Grouting material
  • Adhesive cement C2TE
  • Spacers
  • Mallet
  • Trowel

If you have purchased a large tile size or if you are going to lay it on a glazed surface, for example on another porcelain floor:

  • You will have to change the mortar and buy another one with C2TES1 certification
  • It is better to use Wedges instead of spacers. 
  • Leveling spacers
  • Clamps

If you are going to install a raised floor with 20mm porcelain tiles:

  • Then instead of cement you will use Plots for the raised installation

How long does it take to change the floor in a house?

Again, take into account factors such as the size of the tile, the size of the space and, why not say it, the speed and experience of the installer. They won't work as quickly if they do it inside the house as if it's outside, whether they have to move furniture or not.

But to give you a practical idea, one person could install between 20 and 25 square meters a day. Therefore, a surface of 100m2 could be solved in a week.

Once installed, we have to count a few days for grouting the tiles and cleaning the cement.

Finally, if you are also interested in knowing how to do a thorough cleaning of porcelain, you can read our article that explains the steps to follow to do the final cleaning of work

How much does it cost to install a porcelain stoneware floor in Spain?

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