Brand: Cales Pascual
Reference: hidroxido calcico
Lime is a product of mineral composition widely used for construction. Although it is a very versatile product, one of the main uses of lime is for the preparation and mixing of masonry mortars.
It is used as a neutralizer, flux, causticizer, lubricant, drier, cement, disinfectant, waterproofing.
Improves the workability and adhesion of mortars
Increases the load resistance of the floors where it is used< /p>
By using lime in the mixture of cement, water and sand, surface cracks are reduced.
Due to its mineral components, it can be used for saltpetre problems
Gluing bricks
Gluing stones for masonry foundations
Flattening walls or partitions< /p>
Does this calcium hydroxide contain magnesium? I am looking for some calcium hydroxide that has a low magnesium content for sterilizing muchroom substrate. Thankyou Todd
This product has 0.45% magnesium
Yo he usado la cal hidráulica con arena machacada en proporción 1 por 3 para revoco de fachada y muros exteriores con aspecto rústico. Tiene mejores propiedades que el cementerio, es más ecológico, el color es natural, resistente y transpirable y no es necesario pintar.
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