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Chiclana tile box 20x30cm 1.50m2 25 pieces Ribesalbes Ceramics

Brand: Ribesalbes

Reference: azulejo chiclana

£22.89 (£15.25 per m²)
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The Andalusian tile is combined by the combination of colors and shapes. It is a style with a lot of personality that we immediately associate with the inner cities of Andalusia, and that we can also see in the Alhambra in Granada.


More information

With the purchase of this product you will only receive the tiles of the cover photo. The ambient images only give you an idea of how you can combine all the pieces that you will find in this catalogue.

Glossy coating

Red paste ceramics

Size: 20x30

25 pieces/Box



Made in Castellón, Spain

Comments (1)

| 29/12/2023 | Verified purchase
Chiclana tile box 20x30cm 1.50m2 25 pieces Ribesalbes Ceramics

i colori e i disegni sono fedeli alla foto, dal vivo appena più brillanti, sono presenti il marrone leggermente mattone, il blu è quasi oltremare, verde prato. prevale il blu. Nell'immenso mondo delle sfumature, il bianco di fondo non è certo un bianco elettrodomestico. Rimane appena più spento. misure precise. spessore mattonella 6mm. Cosa che non si vede dalla foto: bella la lavorazione, leggermente a spessore li dove ci sono le linee colorate e che quindi presenta anche una sensazione tattile. esteticamente di pregio

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Hola.vivo en Gran Canaria.Hasen embios? Hai seguridad de que lleguen sin romperse? Y por favor sabrían más o menos los costos del embio? Gracias.atentamente: Miguel Angel. Saludos

Store response | 28/08/2024

Hola Miguel Ángel,

Los costes de envío puedes conocerlos haciendo una simulación de compra. Sin compromiso ni registro previo.

No hay garantía de que no llegue roto algún azulejo. Es un producto frágil durante el transporte. Sí que hay garantía de que asumimos cualquier desperfecto, enviando de nuevo o reembolsando el dinero.

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