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CT1 Black Sealer Adhesive 290ml

Brand: OB1

Reference: PSOB1SC290BL



CT1 is a quality adhesive and sealant. It can be applied in humid areas and even under water. Unique adhesive for almost any building material. The use of CT1 does not require other additional fixing materials. CT1 can be applied on any metal (including lead), on glass, tile, concrete, stones, synthetic materials, plastics.


More information
Available in 9 colors - Odorless sealant - Does not shrink - Unique flexibility - Can be painted - Does not contain solvents - UV resistant - Resistant to chemicals - Prevents fungus formation - complies with food prevention standards European Union - Resistance to temperatures between -40º to 120º

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Comments (2)

| 24/04/2021 | Verified purchase
CT1 Black Sealer Adhesive 290ml

Sorprendente este adhesivo

| 25/04/2020 | Verified purchase
CT1 Black Sealer Adhesive 290ml

Pues es un gran produto!!yo lo he utilizado para varios trabajos de zapateria y cuero PU y he obtenido buenisimos resultados. Y la enpresa tambien ha sido excelente en el trato conmigo,pues han sido muy atentos en todo momento.asi que le doy 5 estrellas. Por cierto lo de las estrellas en b/n confunde un poco.yo he puesto 5 negras espero sea correcto.Gracias

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