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Gresite 5x5 white non-slip box 2m2 20 pieces Togama

Brand: Togama

Reference: azso2086

£77.77 (£38.89 per m²)
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The 5x5 size tile is a more functional option than the traditional format. With this new model we reduce the number of joints in half.


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Non-slip mosaic texture

20 meshes per box

2m2 per box. The purchase is a multiple of two for the packing of the boxes

Mesh dimensions 30.7 x 30.7 cm

Dimensions of each mosaic (pieces that form the mesh) 5x5 cm

4.5mm mosaic thickness

Union Polyurethane System (silicone point)

Water Absorption <0.10%

Frost resistant

Easy installation

Flexible, adaptable to curved areas

Scratch hardness 4

Class 5 stain resistance

Comments (1)

| 21/04/2022 | Verified purchase
Gresite 5x5 white non-slip box 2m2 20 pieces Togama

Excelente servicio y rapidez de entrega, incluso con huelga de transportes de por medio, muy contento también con el material

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


el gresite blanco 5*5 antideslizante 1- sirven para perimetro exterior de piscina 40mtr lineales por 36 cm ancho 2-las juntas siempre son blancas?, estando en el exterior las juntas se ensucian, son faciles de limpiar? 3-hay alguna que haga un angulo romo de 90º?

Store response | 30/10/2023

Hola Tomeu,

Sí que sirve para exterior. Pero si lo vas a colocar en la pared, mejor este modelos que nos es antideslizante 


La junta la puedes hacer del color que quieras. En el gresite blanco se se suele poner una junta blanca. Pero no tiene que ser necesariamente así.

Las juntas de cemento sí que se manchan y no son fáciles de limpiar. Es un material poroso.

El gresite sí que se limpia fácil

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