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Mallorca single lever shower set

Brand: Aquassent

Reference: 03000XF001

Offer: £128.89
PVP: £161.11
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Shower system with mixer tap. Includes extendable stainless steel bar, extra-flat stainless steel spray, single lever shower faucet, shower handle and flexo. It is one of the best selling faucets with its good value for money. 3 year warranty


tap type:
Single lever


More information

Chrome-plated brass mixer tap

Distributor 2 positions brass chrome

Extensible bar 88 / 136cm stainless steel 304 chrome

Sliding and adjustable shower handle support

Shower handle

Flexo stainless steel 304, extendable 150/180 cm with double closure

304 stainless steel sprayer:

- extra flat 20cm in diameter

- rain shower

- adjustable

- antical

12L / minute flow rate

Comments (3)

| 02/02/2019
Mallorca single lever shower set

Buen servicio y bueno calidad

| 10/11/2018
Mallorca single lever shower set

Es un grifo de bastante calidad

| 25/10/2018
Mallorca single lever shower set

Me lo instalaron muy fácil y de momento no ha dado ningún problema de funcionamiento. El diseño es sencillo pero se ve consistente

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Buenos días quería saber cómo viene este kit de ducha. aparte de saber si es completo, en las fotos aparece con el mango de dicha del flexo cuadrado y en otra redondo. Nos gustaría que fuese redondo. Cómo viene. Ducha Monomando Mallorca Aquassent

Store response | 12/02/2021

Hola Javier, este producto va completo para instalar y funcionar (grifo, rociador, flexo, mango, barra) El mango es tubular, como el de la foto principal. Modificamos la imagen para no confundir. Muchas gracias

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